Join Us
If you are thinking about joining or just want some advice then feel free to come along to our club meeting at Taibach community centre in Duke Street. You'll be made very welcome, no-one will expect you to be a racing champion, and you shouldn't hesitate to ask any questions that you might have. You are also welcome to join us on one of our rides. The Saturday 10:30am ride or Sunday 9:30am Ramblers rides are most suited to newcomers as their pace is more easy going. The Saturday one is about 25 miles, the Sunday one is longer; both include a cafe stop.
Before you can take part in any ride, however we must confirm that you have suitable 3rd-Party liability insurance in place. This comes as standard with membership of:
- British Cycling (Silver or Gold),
- Cyclists Touring Club or
- British Triathlon Association
Therefore please join one of these organisations first. As a cyclist you should find this very useful anyway.
Please also view our GDPR notice here
We look forward to hearing from you!