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Safe Riding

UPDATED August 2020: The club's response to Covid can be viewed here. Please read.

The club’s strength is its reputation. Bad behaviour or poor riding etiquette can damage the club’s reputation. Please keep in mind the following when riding in club colours, or when partaking on a Club run…


  • It is recommended riders wear cycle helmets.
  • Carry some money if required for a Café stop, or Emergencies.
  • Carry spares and tools (Multi-tool recommended) including inner tubes, tyre levers and pump.
  • Carry a mobile phone and have the numbers of local taxi firms in your address book. Also make an entry called I.C.E for your emergency contact.
  • If poor weather is forecast, bring appropriate gear (eg Rain Jacket).
  • Ensure your bike is well maintained (gears, brakes, wheels, tyres etc).
  • Arrive on time - It's difficult to catch up with a club run once it has left.

On the Road

  • Stronger riders should wait at the soonest opportunity if the group fragments, to avoid missing a change of direction. Similarly, the group should wait or assist those who experience punctures or problems. It is discourteous to leave a fellow rider stranded.
  • Generally groups will ride two abreast, but where it is judged to be safer, ride single file. (See Highway code rule 66).
  • Riders at the front of a group should shout and point out road obstacles (pot holes, man-hole covers, parked cars, horses, pedestrians etc).
  • Older, more experienced members should set an example to the new or younger riders.


Heavy goods vehicles are a big threat to cyclists. To stay safe around them you need to ride sensibly. Don't ride up the inside of one - if they decide to turn, you could get squashed. If for any reason you are caught next to one, make sure you stay dominant. Don't sit back behind their wheel out of view, come up alongside their window and catch the drivers eye so they know you are there.


Hitting a pothole at an awkward angle can pop an inner tube and send you flying. The only way to deal with potholes is to avoid them. Keep your eyes on the road, and if you are riding in a group, point them out to those cycling behind you.


To avoid them, you will nee to swerve out into the stream of traffic. Do this with caution. Start moving out well in advance so that it is a gradual move, not a sharp shift. Check over your shoulder that it is safe and signal if necessary. Make sure you give the car a wide enough berth to avoid car doors opening.


Stick to the highway code. Stop at traffic lights, don't ride on pavements unless it is a cycle lane and always use lights on your bike at night. Take advantage of the Advanced Stop Line at traffic lights so you are visible when you pull away.


Be aware of slippery surfaces. Oil spills, damp leaves and ice can cause your wheels to lose grip, but road markings, manhole covers and drains can also become treacherous when wet. Always keep your eyes on the road ahead so you are prepared and approach with caution. Do not pull suddenly on the brakes over a dodgy patch and wherever you can do so safely, cycle around these hazards.


Wear light coloured, hi viz clothing or at least some reflective material when cycling. Being seen is the most important thing when sharing the roads with motor vehicles. Make clear signals as to what you are going to do, making eye contact with other drivers where possible.

Above all, enjoy yourself!

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